Saturday, 19 September 2009

This Kind of Fire

Last night saw the performance of This Kind of Fire - an installation/performance by Strange Beast at BAC in response to the work of David Lynch. I played a small part in the creation of the piece including these programme notes:

What is so theatrical about David Lynch?
The "memory theatre" was an aspect of a science of the imagination, practiced from Classical times up to the Renaissance.
It was used for the development of memory, and also as a "mind-map" - a connected symbolic space, often represented as a building, which spanned the imaginative or conceptual faculty.
In the magic theatre of Lynch’s movies:
We draw back the curtains - promenade to the next scene – we focus on words and actions but sense escapes us and attention wanders – what lies beneath? We draw back the curtains...

Through the darkness of futures past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds
Fire walk with me

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